About me
Anneke Bokern writes and speaks about Dutch architecture, urban design and planning culture.

Anneke was born in 1971 in Frankfurt/Germany and studied History of Art and Architecture at FU Berlin. In 2000 she moved to Amsterdam, where she learnt to love the sea, tolerate buttermilk for lunch and appreciate Dutch urban planning and architecture.

Since 2001, her specialized articles have appeared in numerous German-language and international publications, e.g. DETAIL, HÄUSER, Bauwelt, Baumeister, Topos, Archithese, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, design report, Azure, DAMn° Magazine, Mark Magazine, Baunetz.de, Uncube Magazine, Mare...

She is the author of the English-language Architectural Guide Rotterdam (DOM Publishers, 2021) and is currently working on a book about contemporary architecture in Amsterdam for Edition DETAIL. She is also active on architectural juries and gives lectures on Dutch building culture.

In addition to current architectural developments in the Netherlands, she is fascinated by the openness to experiments of Dutch planning authorities, their innovative approach to climate change and the unique cycling infrastructure of Dutch cities, which she uses with great enthusiasm on a daily basis.

Anneke enjoys communicating all of this in speech and writing, for a wide range of target groups and in various media.

With her company architour she organizes architecture tours for groups in Holland and is a founding member of the Guiding Architects network.

→ Further information on LinkedIn
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